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AVAA - General

We recommend a minimum of 2 units to keep symmetry in a room.

The number of units is dependent on the number of locations that need to be treated more than the size of the room.

In practice, the first two units are placed where they are most useful to the listening position, so they will have the greatest impact. Adding other units in different places further reduces the room modes.

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When the AVAAs are positioned in a high pressure area of a room mode, the room mode resonance time (RT60) is typically reduced by 30% to 50%.

The result is less low frequency ringing, clearer mids and highs with reduced masking effect and better imaging

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We recommend a minimum of 2 units to keep symmetry in a room.

The number of units is dependent on the number of locations that need to be treated more than the size of the room.

In practice, the first two units are placed where they are most useful to the listening position, so they will have the greatest impact. Adding other units in different places further reduces the room modes.

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When the AVAAs are positioned in a high pressure area of a room mode, the room mode resonance time (RT60) is typically reduced by 30% to 50%.

The result is less low frequency ringing, clearer mids and highs with reduced masking effect and better imaging

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We recommend a minimum of 2 units to keep symmetry in a room.

The number of units is dependent on the number of locations that need to be treated more than the size of the room.

In practice, the first two units are placed where they are most useful to the listening position, so they will have the greatest impact. Adding other units in different places further reduces the room modes.

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When the AVAAs are positioned in a high pressure area of a room mode, the room mode resonance time (RT60) is typically reduced by 30% to 50%.

The result is less low frequency ringing, clearer mids and highs with reduced masking effect and better imaging

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