PSI Audio will present its compact three-way studio monitor A23-M at Studioszene from 6th to 7th September 2019 at XPOST in Cologne, Germany. The Swiss manufacturer enters the precision monitor into a listening comparison session where visitors of the show can experience the outstanding accuracy of PSI speakers first-hand.

The contents of this press release

PSI Audio present at Studioszene

A place for the scene to meet: Studioszene

Three ways of precision: PSI Audio A23-M

Listen yourself: speaker comparison

PSI Audio A23-M: price and availability

Yverdon-les-Bains, 7th August 2019 – There are trade shows for sound reinforcement, others for broadcasting or installations, but there seems to be no trade show specializing in recording studio technology. German publishing house Musik-Media set out to change this situation by hosting the Studioszene in Cologne. Featuring the who-is-who of studio gear manufacturers, Studioszene is the perfect environment for PSI Audio to present the A23-M three-way precision monitor.

A place for the scene to meet: Studioszene

German studio technology magazine Sound&Recording and its publisher Musik-Media initiated Studioszene originally as a part of other events like Musikmesse or Tonmeistertagung, hosting their own presentations and workshops. This year, Studioszene becomes its very own event for the first time: on 6th and 7th September, event location XPOST in Cologne will see numerous lectures and tutorials, product demos and manufacturer exhibitions. Some of the most illustrious names in the business have announced their presence, from engineering and producing legends like Mick Guzauski, Sylvia Massy and Peter Walsh to those manufacturers whose very mention makes a gearhead’s mouth water – Empirical Labs, Focusrite, Rupert Neve Designs and many more. Among those names is PSI Audio, adding Swiss precision in studio monitoring to the scene.

Three ways of precision: PSI Audio A23-M

The main focus of PSI Audio during Studioszene will be on the A23-M. Introduced at NAMM this year, the compact three-way monitor exemplifies the Swiss manufacturer’s strengths: outstanding craftsmanship, phenomenal quality and a sonic reproduction excitingly true to the source material. With its tweeter and midrange driver mounted to a rotatable square, the A23-M can be positioned lying down or standing up just as the setups demands. For ultimate sound accuracy, the A23-M is equipped with all the proprietary analogue technology PSI Audio studio monitors are known for: Compensated Phase Response (CPR) for extremely accurate details, Adaptive Output Impedance (AOI) against resonances and for precise transients and Class G/H amplifiers for maximum efficiency and minimum distortion. With its clever, 100% analogue circuit design, the A23-M achieves a level of detail, transparency and fidelity that numerous engineers and producers around the globe cannot do without anymore.

Listen yourself: speaker comparison

With qualities like this, PSI Audio is not afraid of being compared with other speakers. At Studioszene, visitors will have the chance to take part in listening comparisons, pitching a number of different monitor speakers against each other. Four of these listening sessions will take place in the “Sound&Recording Room” over the duration of Studioszene: Friday, 6th September, from 1.45 to 2.30 pm and from 6.30 to 7.15 pm, and Saturday, 7th September, from 10.30 to 11.15 am and from 2 to 2.45 pm. The programme can be found at

PSI Audio A23-M: price and availability

The PSI Audio A23-M as it will be presented at Studioszene is available immediately.